Top Rated Workplace Harassment Attorney in Minneapolis, MN

Workplace harassment is a serious issue that many individuals face as part of the workforce. Everyone deserves a safe and welcoming working environment and coworkers, but that is not always the case for employees. Harassment in the workplace can appear in a number of ways, including bullying, mocking, and other offensive, unwelcome behavior and from direct coworkers, managers, and other individuals like supervisors. Seeking legal representation from a workplace harassment attorney when you are facing harassment is one way to help ensure that your rights are protected.

Workplace harassment is a type of employment discrimination that violates federal and state laws that afford employees protections in the workplace. Harassment, as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), is “unwelcome conduct” that is based on protected characteristics like race, sex, religion, and disability. What constitutes workplace harassment includes unwelcome conduct based on an individual’s protected class, and it must be severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile work environment, affecting an employee’s job performance. Harassment based on such characteristics can make workplaces feel unsafe to targeted individuals who might experience anything from cyberbullying and discriminatory actions to sexual harassment.

Such treatment can make for an actively hostile work environment and lead to emotional distress and even fear for targeted individuals. If you have been the target of workplace harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, among other protected characteristics, you have rights under state and federal law that need to be protected. Under laws like the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) and the EEOC, you have specific legal protections if you belong to a protected class that afford you legal rights and protection against workplace harassment. Here at Wanta Thome, our team of Minneapolis workplace abuse attorneys are here to help. We are experienced professionals who represent employees throughout Minnesota, and we are ready to advocate for you and your rights in the workplace.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Workplace harassment is any type of unwelcome conduct in a work environment that is based on the following characteristics:

  • Race

  • Color

  • Sex

  • Sexual identity

  • Gender identity

  • Pregnancy

  • Religion

  • National origin

  • Older age

  • Genetic information (including but not limited to family medical history)

  • Disability

Harassment can include discrimination or even sexual harassment. It can take shape in a variety of forms, such as quid pro quo and hostile work environment claims, and is typically prohibited by company policies that can be found in employee handbooks or posted in accessible locations around the workplace. But harassment becomes illegal when the unwelcome or offensive conduct is severe or pervasive enough that any reasonable individual would find the work environment to be hostile, abusive, or intimidating or when having to endure the offensive behaviors becomes a condition of one’s continued employment.

Certain situations will not be considered illegal workplace harassment, such as general arguments and annoyances, teasing, isolated incidents, and minor slights.

If you believe that you are experiencing workplace harassment and need assistance in figuring out if you are dealing with a case of harassment, reach out to Wanta Thome. You can schedule a consultation with one of our workplace harassment attorneys in Minneapolis who will review your situation and work to determine if you are experiencing harassment in the workplace. An experienced Minneapolis workplace abuse attorney can offer your legal representation and build a compelling case to seek justice and fair treatment for you.

Protected Characteristics and Harassment

Workplace harassment can be based on various protected characteristics, including sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, genetic information, and sexual orientation. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees based on these characteristics, and harassment is a form of discrimination. Protected characteristics can be used to establish a hostile work environment or quid pro quo harassment claim.

In a hostile work environment claim, the harasser’s conduct must be based on a protected characteristic, and the conduct must be severe or pervasive enough to create an abusive or hostile work environment. A reasonable person must find the conduct to be hostile or abusive, and the victim must have subjectively perceived the environment as hostile or abusive.

Employers have a responsibility to prevent harassment based on protected characteristics. They must develop and implement policies and procedures to prevent harassment, provide training to employees, and investigate and address complaints of harassment.

Types Of Workplace Harassment and Hostile Work Environment

There are a number of different types of workplace harassment, including discrimination based on protected characteristics, conduct that is sexual in nature, and can occur both in person and online.

Some common types of workplace harassment include:

  • Physical assault or the threat of physical assault

  • Offensive verbal actions like name calling, slurs, and jokes

  • Intimidation

  • Insults

  • Mockery

  • Offensive pictures, messages, and objects

  • Work performance interference

  • Verbal harassment, involving insults, derogatory comments, slurs, and threats

Retaliation can also be considered workplace harassment, where an employee is treated unfairly for participating in protected activities like reporting illegal activities or discrimination.

Harassment can come from just about anyone, including an employee’s supervisor, a coworker, and even someone who is not an employee of a workplace.

Understanding Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such behavior fosters a hostile work environment and can lead to negative outcomes for victims, including potential legal claims for damages.

Understanding Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of workplace harassment that involves unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It can include verbal or physical conduct, such as unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can be perpetrated by male or female employers or coworkers, or even non-employees of the company.

There are two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a person of authority ties the terms of a person’s employment to sexual favors. Hostile work environment harassment occurs when a person is subject to unwelcome conduct in the workplace due to their sex or sexual orientation.

Sexual harassment can have serious effects on employees, including emotional, mental, and physical illnesses. It can also affect work performance, leading to limited advancement and income. Employers who fail to prevent or respond to sexual harassment can face financial loss, a toxic reputation, poor employee morale, and talent drain.

Who Is Protected from Workplace Harassment?

Under the EEOC and other federal laws like Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, employees in Minnesota and throughout the United States are protected from workplace harassment based on protected characteristics and other factors.

And at the state level here in Minnesota, additional state laws like MHRA protects individuals from workplace harassment as well. The MHRA, much like the EEOC, prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on protected characteristics including race, gender, disability, and color, among others.

How do I Report Workplace Harassment?

Every individual has the right to a safe work environment. With protection available under state and federal law, you are protected from harassment in the workplace. Reporting workplace harassment is crucial, and there are legal protections available to employees who do so. But even with those protections in place, you may still find yourself on the receiving end of harassment that can be considered illegal.

To report abusive behavior in the workplace, be sure to:

  1. Document the incidents of harassment. Include details like dates, times, locations, and what exactly happened.

  2. File a report with HR or management. Be sure to follow your company’s reporting procedure – formally notifying your employer about the harassment provides them the opportunity to address the conduct. Save a copy of everything you send for your records.

  3. Consult with a workplace harassment attorney in Minneapolis. An attorney from Wanta Thome will be able to help you better understand your options and rights and can provide you with experienced legal representation throughout the legal process.

  4. File a complaint with the EEOC or other relevant state or federal agency. The EEOC enforces federal laws regarding employment discrimination and harassment and will investigate claims they receive by mail or online.

For individuals facing harassment, it’s important to know that you have options available to you and that you are not alone as you seek to remedy the situation.

If you feel lost on what next steps to take or you feel you need additional legal support in your workplace harassment case, please reach out to our toxic work environment lawyers in Minneapolis. We are here to help protect your rights and work toward creating a fair workplace where you are not facing illegal behavior.

Filing a Harassment Claim

If you have been a victim of workplace harassment, you may be able to file a harassment claim. To file a claim, you must first report the harassment to your employer’s human resources department or a supervisor. If your employer fails to address the harassment, you can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or your state’s fair employment agency.

To file a claim, you will need to provide evidence of the harassment, including dates, times, locations, and details of the incidents. You will also need to identify the harasser and their employer, and determine the type of harassment and the laws that apply.

A workplace harassment lawyer can assist you in filing a harassment claim. They can help you gather evidence, identify the harasser and their employer, and determine the type of harassment and the laws that apply. They can also represent you in court and negotiate a settlement on your behalf.

Connect with Our Minneapolis Workplace Bullying and Harassment Attorneys Today

At Wanta Thome, we are a team of Minneapolis workplace abuse attorneys that are passionate about protecting Minnesota employee rights – no matter the industry you are working in or the type of workplace harassment you are facing. We are fully committed to providing experienced legal representation from Minneapolis employment harassment lawyers who use innovative approaches and in-depth knowledge of employment law to approach each case with tailored strategies unique to your case. Whether you are facing harassment in person at work, via online bullying, or retaliation for reporting misconduct or illegal behavior on the part of your employer, we can help.

We adopt a solution-oriented approach to each case that we take to help you seek legal remedies against illegal acts and to empower you against workplace injustices that affect your ability to work and live. When you partner with a workplace harassment attorney in Minneapolis from Wanta Thome, you’ll be connected with a dedicated team that is focused on protecting your employment rights. Understanding the availability and limits of compensatory and punitive damages is crucial, as these can be sought in harassment lawsuits. This knowledge is especially important when pursuing claims against government agencies, which may have caps on such damages.

To schedule a no-obligation, confidential consultation with one of our workplace harassment lawyers in Minneapolis, please connect with us online or reach out over the phone at 612-252-3570. You’ll be able to gain clarity on your situation and determine if working with our law firm is right for you.